Sandro Bregadze

    Georgian March turns political party, pledges to hold convention in a week

    By | June 2nd, 2020|Categories: In brief|Tags: , |

    Sandro Bregadze ( Georgian far-right group Georgian March plans to set up a political party and settle deeper in Georgian politics, its leader Sandro Bregadze says. "We were forced to go into politics in order to create a strong, nationalist political center on the basis of the Georgian March,” Sandro Bregadze said in an [...]

      Georgian far-right groups reach agreement about forming new political party

      By | April 6th, 2019|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

      Sandro Bregadze (center, with megaphone) at a Georgian March rally in Tbilisi in July, 2017. (Mzia Saganelidze, RFE/RL.) TBILISI, DFWatch--Far-right activists in Georgia are uniting to form a new political party and run in the local and national elections, emulating Marine Le Pen’s Front National. One of the proposals of the new party will [...]

        Rally in Tbilisi to demand ‘illegal’ immigrants kicked out

        By | July 15th, 2017|Categories: Minorities|Tags: , , , , |

        Organizers of the rally, including Sandro Bregadze (right), hold an icon of King Davit IV Aghmashenebeli. (Facebook/Nini Ketelauri.) TBILISI, DFWatch–Nationalist groups in Georgia mobilized supporters Friday for an anti-immigration rally in the center of Tbilisi. Activists carrying flags and slogans for nationalist causes demanded ‘illegal’ immigrants kicked out of the country and called on authorities to bring […]

          Anti-immigration activists plan rally in Tbilisi Friday evening

          By | July 14th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

          The rally is being organized by Sandro Bregadze. TBILISI, DFWatch–Nationalists in Georgia plan an anti-immigration rally in the center of Tbilisi Friday evening. The rally, which will take place on Aghmashenebeli Avenue at 8pm, will take aim at illegal immigration, especially from Muslim countries. One of their demands is to close down […]

            Traditionalists furious at president for rejecting marriage referendum – vow massive rallies

            By | August 11th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |

            Traditionalists demonstrating in Tbilisi to defend family values May 17, 2014. (Interpressnews.) Alexandre Bregadze. (Interpressnews.) TBILISI, DFWatch–The group of traditionalists behind the referendum bid to define marriage as a union of a man and a woman are fuming at the president after he shelved their proposal. The activists claim President Giorgi Margvelashvili’s decision […]