Nino Lomjaria

    Former public defender Nino Lomjaria to establish new pro-EU public movement

    By | September 5th, 2023|Categories: News|Tags: , |

    Former Public Defender of Georgia Nino Lomjaria, who has been the object of permanent criticism and constant verbal attacks by the ruling party for the past years, is founding a new public movement, the first event of which will be held on Thursday. European Orbit of Georgia is a platform that creates space for those who [...]

      Georgian ombudsman names priest, blogger as organizers of July 5 anti-LGBTQ rally and calls for their prosecution

      By | September 6th, 2021|Categories: Minorities|Tags: , , , , |

      Zurab Makharadze (center with a microphone) and Archpriest Spiridon (left, with a wooden cross) at the rally in front of parliament. ( The ombudsman calls for the prosecution of an ultra-nationalist journalist and an archpriest of the Georgian Orthodox Church for organizing violence against journalists and LGBTQ rights activists. Ombudsman Nino Lomjaria said 53 people have [...]

        Georgia’s Public Defender calls for postponing the local elections due to Covid-19

        By | August 25th, 2021|Categories: Elections|Tags: , , |

        Nino Lomjaria, Public Defender of Georgia. TBILISI, DFWatch--Georgia’s Public Defender calls for postponing the local elections amid skyrocketing numbers of new Covid-19 cases and deaths. Nino Lomjaria’s call is backed by the opposition, but the government categorically rules out postponing the poll, which is scheduled for October. "We have more than 60-70 dead per day. What [...]

          Georgia’s public defender calls on law enforcement to prosecute perpetrators of July 5 violence

          By | July 27th, 2021|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

          Public Defender Nino Lomjaria. TBILISI, DFWatch--Georgia’s public defender calls on law enforcement bodies to react to the violent attacks on journalists during the night of July 5 and the following days and make the results public. After crowds of ultra conservatives hunted down journalists in the street and beat them in the night of July 5 [...]

            Georgia’s Public Defender says representatives are threatened by Soviet-style inmate leaders

            By | January 20th, 2021|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

            Nino Lomjaria. ( TBILISI, DFWatch--Penitentiary authorities in Georgia have unleashed “prisoners managed by the administration” to systematically carry out “verbal attacks, threats and aggression” against representatives of the Public Defender's Office, Ombudswoman Nino Lomjaria said on Wednesday. The PDO earlier released a report claiming the management model of semi-open prisons was based on an informal hierarchy [...]

              Campaign asks people to turn off mobile phones in protest

              By | March 11th, 2014|Categories: NGO news|Tags: , |

              Nino Lomjaria, head of International Society For Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED). (Interpressnews.) TBILISI, DFWatch–Several Georgian NGOs that are involved in the campaign ‘This Affects You Too-They Still Listen to Us’ call on citizens to turn off their mobile phones for two hours and protest against the government’s illegal wiretapping. Nino Lomjaria, head […]

                ISFED lists violations in Georgia’s election campaign

                By | October 16th, 2013|Categories: NGO news|Tags: , , |

                Nino Lomjaria, head of ISFED. TBILISI, DFWatch–The fifth interim report of International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED), covering the period from September 8 to October 6, identified 5 cases of political intimidation, 3 cases of obstructing the election campaign and other […]

                  ISFED: No violations so far in Georgia’s election campaign

                  By | July 23rd, 2013|Categories: Elections '12-'13, News|Tags: , , |

                  ISFED director Nino Lomjaria said a programme for loans to farmers may resemble voter bribery, as some of the money comes from a fund linked to Prime Minister Ivanishvili. (DFWatch photo.) TBILISI, DFWatch–There has so far not been been observed any violations in the election campaign for the presidential election on October 27. International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED), a non-governmental organization which specializes in election […]

                    Local government after the parliamentary elections

                    By | December 29th, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: |

                    The victory of the opposition in the October 1, 2012 parliamentary election created an unusual political situation for Georgia: the majority in parliament and the local governments are controlled by two different political forces, the ruling and the opposition party. […]