preparations for 2012 parliamentary election

    61 000 local observers to follow election

    By | October 1st, 2012|Categories: Elections, Elections '12-'13, News|Tags: |

    TBILISI, DFWatch – An unprecedented 61 000 local observers will follow tomorrow’s parliamentary election, head of the Central Election Commission (CEC) says. There are more than 33 000 representatives of election subjects and representatives of political parties in […]

      Christian democrat withdraws from election in protest

      By | September 26th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , |

      TBILISI, DFWatch – One of the leaders of the opposition Christian Democrats party today withdrew her candidacy as majoritarian candidate for parliament. Inga Grigolia, a well-known former journalist, is now a member of the Christian Democrats, which is considered by […]

        CEC introduces de facto photo ban at precincts

        By | September 25th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: , |

        TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) has established many prohibitions on the use of photographic equipment at election precincts, which in fact restricts and makes it impossible to take photos on Election Day. Use of photos may document […]

          Slight modification in election arrangements

          By | September 14th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

          TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia’s Central Election Commission says 54 963 Georgians abroad have registered to vote at their country’s embassy. The list doesn’t contain citizens who live in Russia or in countries where there are less than 20 Georgians living. 42 613 out of […]

            Estonian FM Paet urges respect for election result

            By | September 13th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

            TBILISI DFWatch – The Foreign Affairs Minister of Estonia says every political party in Georgia should recognize the results of the upcoming election as an expression of the will of the people. Urmas Paet, Estonia’s minister is visiting Georgia to hold meetings with […]

              Foreign ministers swarming to Georgia

              By | September 11th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

              TBILISI, DFWatch – The foreign affair ministers of five countries will visit Georgia September 17. Nino Kalandadze, Georgia’s Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister, said on Monday that the foreign ministers of Romania, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Latvia and Lithuania will […]

                Georgian voters abroad get more time to register

                By | September 10th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                TBILISI, DFWatch – The Central Election Commission (CEC) has given Georgians abroad two more days to register as a voter. The deadline for registering is September 11. But Eka Azarashvili, speaker for CEC said, said at a press conference Monday that Georgians […]

                  Saakashvili’s party winning the war for ad spaces

                  By | September 10th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                  TBILISI, DFWatch – In most cities in Georgia, almost all billboards, minibuses and buses are covered by commercials for the National Movement party. Other parties lack the money for such commercials, besides, the ruling party has already booked all available ad […]

                    Opposition claims government wants to falsify election

                    By | September 6th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                    TBILISI, DFWatch – The opposition Georgian Dream party accuses government of attempting to legally falsify the parliamentary election. One of the coalition’s lawyers Zakaria Kutsnashvili said Thursday that the amended election code regulates the issue of voters […]

                      The National Movement presents its party list

                      By | September 2nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                      TBILISI, DFWatch – In the top twenty on the National Movement’s party list there are majoritarian candidates. The majority on the list are current members of parliament (MPs) and members of government. On the ruling party list there also are so-called independent […]

                        Gov’t rejects opposition’s election benchmark

                        By | September 1st, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                        TBILISI, DFWatch – The government refuses to accept conditions which the largest opposition coalition says are necessary in order for the October 1 parliamentary election to be considered fair. Bidzina Ivanishvili, leader of the Georgian Dream coalition on Thursday […]

                          Ivanishvili calls for non-confrontational election campaign

                          By | August 31st, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                          TBILISI, DFWatch – Bidzina Ivanishvili, leader of the largest opposition bloc in Georgia, promises that he will defend people’s vote solely by peaceful means and not call for a confrontation. But he also says that there are several measures that need to be taken […]

                            Eleven parties and blocs agree to campaign financing

                            By | August 27th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                            TBILISI, DFWatch – Eleven party lists and coalitions have agreed to election campaign financing. Central Election Commission informs that Freedom to Way of Zviad Gamsakhurdia, Georgian Dasi, Free Georgia, New Rights Party, Christian Democrats, People’s […]

                              Georgian government responds to criticism

                              By | August 24th, 2012|Categories: News, Politics|Tags: |

                              TBILISI, DFWatch – The government in Georgia claims the OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly is spreading incorrect information provided by lobbyists of a certain party. A delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) on Thursday released a statement […]

                                Observers say Georgia’s election campaign has signs of Leninism

                                By | August 24th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                TBILISI, DFWatch – A delegation from the OSCE’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) which is in Georgia to observe the election says Georgia’s law enforcement bodies lack objectivity. The observers mainly criticize the State Audit Office, saying they act on the basis […]

                                  ODIHR arrives in Georgia to observe the election

                                  By | August 23rd, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                  TBILISI, DFWatch – Observers from the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) are now in place in Tbilisi and have started monitoring events leading in preparation for the parliamentary election. ODIHR will publish its final report two months […]

                                    CoE expresses concern about campaign finance measures

                                    By | August 21st, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                    Two officials in the Council of Europe’s Parliamentary Assembly (PACE) in a new statement express concern about how Georgia’s authorities are enforcing a set of new tough campaign finance rules. The regulations were ushered in late in 2011, after the appearance […]

                                      Opposition bloc in Georgia signs code of conduct

                                      By | August 21st, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                      TBILISI, DFWatch – The largest opposition bloc in Georgia has decided to join the code of conduct for political parties. The rules were the brainchild of the campaign This Affects You Too, and the 17-point document outlines rules of conduct for political parties […]

                                        Georgian Dream denied to use number 7 on the ballot

                                        By | August 20th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                        TBILISI, DFWatch – The largest opposition bloc in Georgia was denied to register under the number seven on the ballot in the upcoming parliamentary election. Representatives of the Georgian Dream coalition say that they have asked the Central Election Commission […]

                                          Political parties agree to rules of conduct

                                          By | August 20th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                          TBILISI, DFWatch – Political parties in Georgia are ready to agree with rules of conduct prepared by the campaign This Affects You Too intended to secure a peaceful, fair and competitive electoral environment before the October 1 parliamentary election. The ruling […]

                                            Plan for Georgian election observers still pending

                                            By | August 13th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                            TBILISI, DFWatch – It is still unknown when international observers will start monitoring the election in Georgia. Parliamentary elections are scheduled for October 1, but long-term observsers have not yet arrived in the country. Local rights groups have for months […]

                                              Groups raise the alarm about the election campaign

                                              By | August 11th, 2012|Categories: NGO news|Tags: |

                                              TBILISI, DFWatch – Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Georgia appeal to international observers, organizations and diplomatic corps to look closer at the what is happening before the October 1 election.  The groups have been monitoring the election processes […]

                                                Georgia’s small broadcasters protest strict campaign rules

                                                By | August 10th, 2012|Categories: Media, News|Tags: |

                                                TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia’s National Communications Commission (GNCC) claims that broadcasters will be forced to air free political commercials, even if they don’t air paid commercials. Regional broadcasters say it is an incorrect interpretation of the law, which will […]

                                                  3.6 million voters will decide election in Georgia

                                                  By | August 7th, 2012|Categories: Elections, News|Tags: |

                                                  TBILISI, DFWatch – There are 3 621 256 voters in Georgia, according to Central Election Commission’s (CEC) preliminary data, which was published today. According to the CEC, there are 84 election districts in the country. The majority of voters,155 502, are from […]

                                                    Georgian officials to get training in how to hold elections

                                                    By | August 3rd, 2012|Categories: NGO news|Tags: |

                                                    TBILISI, DFWatch – International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy (ISFED) will hold training courses about the electoral issues for employees in the local government in all Georgian municipalities. The training project aims to contribute to the conduction […]

                                                      Election campaign starts in Georgia, with strict rules

                                                      By | August 2nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                      TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia will hold parliamentary elections on October 1. The announcement marks the beginning of the election campaign and political parties are now subject to a special set of rules. Whereas, the Georgian constitution says that parliamentary […]

                                                        Georgia’s voters roll is still source of controversy

                                                        By | August 2nd, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                        TBILISI, DFWatch – 291 471 voters registered in Georgia are currently living abroad, while 26 000 are dead. These are the main corrections which the state commission working with the voter’s lists have found by going door-to-door and checking 3 483 142 voters. […]

                                                          Georgia sets date for parliamentary election

                                                          By | August 1st, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

                                                          TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia will hold parliamentary elections on October 1, 2012. Manana Manjgalade, spokesperson for President Mikheil Saakashvili, said this at a briefing on Wednesday. She said the president is sure that the October elections will be yet another […]

                                                            Most Georgian illegals abroad won’t be able to vote

                                                            By | July 30th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , |

                                                            TBILISI, DFWatch – Most Georgians who live illegally abroad may not be able to vote in the upcoming elections, after Georgia’s Foreign Affairs Minister made the rules for qualifying as a voter stricter. There are no precise data about Georgian citizens living illegally abroad, […]

                                                              Amnesty warns against political clashes in Georgia

                                                              By | July 25th, 2012|Categories: NGO news|Tags: |

                                                              TBILISI, DFWatch – Amnesty International expresses concern about the recent violence against opposition supporters and journalists in Georgia. In a new report, the organizations describes cases of verbal and physical abuse against Georgian Dream activists who […]

                                                                Georgian Dream supports non-use of violence declaration

                                                                By | July 24th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                TBILISI, DFWatch – The opposition Georgian Dream coalition is ready to join a declaration asking for a competitive, fair and peaceful election. Maia Panjikidze, spokesperson for the coalition, said Monday that the coalition supports a document published July 16 […]

                                                                  Non-use of violence declaration expanded

                                                                  By | July 20th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                  TBILISI, DFWatch – The government in Georgia will add points prepared by non-government organizations to the declaration of acting regulations for elections. But it is still unknown whether Georgian Dream will join this declaration or not. Even though […]

                                                                    New web portal to map out election violations in Georgia

                                                                    By | July 20th, 2012|Categories: NGO news|Tags: |

                                                                    A new portal in Georgia has been created to let people report violations during the election period. The website is called the Multi-NGO Elections Portal, and aims at collecting information about alleged violations and incident throughout the election period. […]

                                                                      Georgian Dream names 12 more candidates for parliament

                                                                      By | July 18th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                      TBILISI, DFWatch – Saakashvili’s main competitor Bidzina Ivanishvili has named 12 more majoritarian candidates to stand for election from regions outside of Tbilisi. The Georgian Dream coalition has until now named 40 majoritarian candidates. The rest, including […]

                                                                        Democracy campaign welcomes non-violent initiative

                                                                        By | July 17th, 2012|Categories: NGO news|Tags: |

                                                                        TBILISI, DFWatch – Campaigners in Georgia welcome an initiative by the government to make political actors commit to not use or incite violence during the election campaign. The campaign This Affects You Too thinks that such an agreement between political parties […]

                                                                          NDI’s recipe for improving Georgia’s election

                                                                          By | June 30th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , |

                                                                          TBILISI, DFWatch – One day after President Saakashvili met regional governors and told them to guarantee that the election process is exemplary, a fistfight broke out during an opposition event near a Russian checkpoint north of Gori. The fistfight on Tuesday was […]

                                                                            Georgia plans to block Russian election observers

                                                                            By | June 13th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

                                                                            TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia may restrict Russian observers from attending the parliamentary elections in October. If a new law proposal is passed, any country that wants to send observers must first express its support for Georgia’s sovereignty. Russia has recognized […]

                                                                              OSCE election observers arrive in Georgia

                                                                              By | June 11th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

                                                                              TBILISI, DFWatch – A group of experts from the OSCE has arrived in Georgia to study the situation before the election. Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister Nino Kalandadze says the experts, who come from the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), will […]

                                                                                Democracy campaign on the streets again

                                                                                By | June 4th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , |

                                                                                TBILISI, DFWatch – A democracy campaign in Georgia is keeping up the pressure on the government to change the law to counteract pro-government bias in TV media ahead of the election in October. The campaign This Affects You Too started in February as a reaction to […]

                                                                                  Control over TV is preventing democracy in Georgia

                                                                                  By | June 4th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , |

                                                                                  -The absence of a free media makes any kind of meaningful democracy impossible. Saakashvili’s givernment is using legalistic and legislative pyrotechnics to ensure an unfair political system, says Lincoln Mitchell, Associate at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute and Georgia-expert. […]

                                                                                    Georgia needs the U.S. to send Saakashvili a message

                                                                                    By | June 1st, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , |

                                                                                    What does the U.S. expect from Georgia and what does Georgia expect from the U.S.? The U.S. has repeatedly declared Georgia a beacon for democracy and the most westernized country in the region, which accordingly can be called ‘partly democratic’, writes Zaza […]

                                                                                      Saakashvili plays nationalism card against opponent

                                                                                      By | May 28th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

                                                                                      TBILISI, DFWatch – On May 26, Georgia’s independence day, President Mikheil Saakashvili argued that it is time for a stronger nationalism in order to undermine Russia’s influence. The call for a strengthening of nationalism came during a speech in Kutaisi at the […]

                                                                                        Election observers in Georgia report early violations

                                                                                        By | May 25th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                        TBILISI, DFWatch – The first interim report of one of several extraordinary election monitoring teams says that this spring has been marked by numerous cases of political intimidation. The report covers the period between April 1 and May 4 and is written by […]

                                                                                          NGOs’ proposal: concrete step towards fair elections

                                                                                          By | May 15th, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: , |

                                                                                          Last week was remarkable due to the activities of a number of NGOs (such as TI Georgia, GYLA, ISFED, Coalition for Free Choice, Media Coalition and others), which several months ago started a civic movement called “This Affects You Too”, writes Eka Gigauri, executive […]

                                                                                            Georgia needs more democratic political parties

                                                                                            By | May 12th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                            TBILISI, DFWatch – Political parties in Georgia need to strengthen their internal democracy. This is the conclusion of a new report by Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD). In the report Internal Party Democracy and Local Government NIMD names three […]

                                                                                              Liberal politicians come to Georgia to give advice on democracy

                                                                                              By | May 10th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                              TBILISI, DFWatch – European liberal politicians visited an opposition billionaire in Tbilisi Thursday to contribute their views on how democracy can progress in Georgia. Representatives of the Liberal International, which is an international federation of liberal […]

                                                                                                Private U.S. observers announce arrival for Georgian election

                                                                                                By | May 8th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                TBILISI, DFWatch – The U.S. organization Committee for Open Democracy (COD) is to send log term election observers to monitor the parliamentary election in Georgia in October. “We’ll be focusing on the processes of democracy and people’s confidence in these […]

                                                                                                  Further changes in laws are needed, say media and groups

                                                                                                  By | May 8th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                  TBILISI, DFWatch – Media and law organizations in Georgia suggest another package of legislative amendments for the electoral environment in the country. The bill will regulate issues like the definition of hidden political advertisement, paid and free political commercials, […]

                                                                                                    Saakashvili’s apparatus accused of bribing voters

                                                                                                    By | April 20th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                    TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili’s administration is accused of bribing voters, after several closed meetings with the population in different cities in Georgia, Maestro TV reports. The meetings were held to introduce the ruling National […]

                                                                                                      Georgia lowers age limit for politicians

                                                                                                      By | March 30th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                      TBILISI, DFWatch – From now on it will be possible to be elected to parliament from the age of 21. Before, the age limit was 25 years. The Constitution of Georgia sets a lower age limit for being elected to parliament, so appropriate changes are to be made to the constitution. […]

                                                                                                        Clause in Georgian law may block election observers

                                                                                                        By | March 29th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                        TBILISI, DFWatch – A little known clause in Georgia’s election law may allow the authorities to block most foreign election observers, only allowing two observers from each organization. This includes the OSCE and the EU. A newly established movement called League of Voters […]

                                                                                                          Georgian patriarch asks diplomats to help with election

                                                                                                          By | March 25th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: , |

                                                                                                          TBILISI, DFWatch – Georgia’s Patriarch, Ilia II, told foreign diplomats that their assistance is needed for the difficult election period his country is heading into. Ilia, who has great influence among the population, appealed to the diplomats during a ceremony Friday […]

                                                                                                            Georgia rules out early election for parliament

                                                                                                            By | January 5th, 2012|Categories: News|Tags: |

                                                                                                            TBILISI, DFWatch – There is uncertainty about the exact date of Georgia’s parliamentary election, with some expecting that president Mikheil Saakashvili might decide to hold them earlier than October. The exact date is decided by the president and must be announced at least sixty days in advance. The constitution says different things; on the [...]