Chiora Taktakishvili, one of the activists who argue that the case against Bacho Akhalaia is politically motivated. (Interpressnews.)
TBILISI, DFWatch–OSCE’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) Wednesday started a monitoring of the trials against former government officials in Georgia.
According to the OSCE webpage, the monitoring started with the pretrial hearing of Bacho Akhalaia, a former defense minister, and will continue with seven other cases of persons who are accused of illegal deprivation of liberty, torture and abuse of powers.
The group of observers from ODIHR will evaluate local legislation and court processes and how these comply with international standards of rule of law. The study will lead to the publishing of a report, which will describe errors made, and make recommendations, aimed at enhancing the administration of criminal justice in line with OSCE commitments.
“Throughout its monitoring, the team will observe court proceedings in strict adherence with the principles of objectivity and non-intervention in judicial processes and in line with ODIHR trial monitoring methodology, as outlined in the publication,” the statement on the agency’s webpage reads.
ODIHR Director Janez Lenarčič says he hopes the monitoring activity in Georgia will contribute to the consolidation of the country’s democratic institutions.
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