used cars business

    Georgia’s auto park continued 8% growth trend in 2016

    By | April 24th, 2017|Categories: Economy|Tags: , |

    TBILISi, DFWatch–The number of cars in Georgia grew 8 percent in 2016, continuing a trend of steady expansion of the nation’s auto park of mostly older vehicles. The growth in 2016 was to 1,125, which is 8 percent, with German carmakers retaining their leading positions. […]

      90% of cars in Georgia are more than 10 years old

      By | July 25th, 2014|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

      The used car market in Rustavi near Tbilisi. ( TBILISI, DFWatch–More than 90 percent of the cars people drive in Georgia are from before 2004, according to a new report by the Interior Ministry. The report, which was published on Friday, deals with cars registered in Georgia, but also imported and re-exported […]

        Georgia’s foreign trade Jan-Nov grew 4%

        By | December 30th, 2013|Categories: Economy, News|Tags: , |

        Used cars remained Georgia’s number one export product. ( TBILISI, DFWatch–Georgia’s foreign trade turnover in January-November 2013 was USD 9 681 million. This is four percent more than in the same period last year. USD 2 618 of this was export – 20 percent more than in 2012. Import amounted to USD 7 064 million […]

          Precise data show 1 % growth in Georgia’s foreign trade

          By | November 28th, 2013|Categories: Economy, News|Tags: , |

          A used Mercedes for sale at Rustavi car market. ( TBILISI, DFWatch–Georgia’s foreign trade turnover in January-October 2013 was USD 8 591 million, according to precise data from Georgian National Statistics Department (Geostat). This is one percent more than in the same period last year. The export was USD 2 306 […]

            Georgia sees a shift toward processing industry

            By | March 1st, 2013|Categories: Economy, News|Tags: , |

            Used cars is no longer Georgia’s number one export article. (MIA.) TBILISI, DFWatch–Georgia’s economy has shifted toward processing industry, after many years of basing its exports on used cars and scrap metal, according to an economy expert. New figures show that the country’s economy is growing; and now, the export is no longer […]

              Georgia’s Interior Ministry auctions off luxury cars

              By | December 24th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: |

              TBILISI, DFWatch — Georgia’s Interior Ministry has decided to put its luxurious cars up for auction. The new leadership at the ministry has prepared around 50 cars for sale, and models range from Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and Range Rover Vogue, to BMW […]

                Journalist shot at in Georgia

                By | June 9th, 2012|Categories: In brief, News|Tags: , |

                TBILISI, DFWatch – A TV journalist in Georgia was shot at while driving in her car last night. Ia Tinikashvili, reporter for Maestro TV and Interpressnews in the Shida Kartli region, was returning to Gori after finishing a report in the village Akhrisi, fifteen […]