
    Civic groups in Georgia campaign to help Ukrainian refugees left out in the street

    By | August 4th, 2022|Categories: NGO news|Tags: , , , |

    (Razom.ge) Georgian civic groups and activists have launched a fundraising campaign to provide temporary housing for Ukrainian refugees who were left out in the street after the end of state program. The company is implemented on behalf of the Open Society Georgia Foundation, civil groups RAZOM.GE and DOPOMOGA, as well as the foundation of jazz singer [...]

      CSOs Seek Involvement in Public Defender’s Selection Process

      By | October 19th, 2017|Categories: NGO news|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

      We would like to respond to the statements related to the selection of Georgian Public Defender and call on the Parliament of Georgia to ensure civil society participation in the process of selecting the main human rights defender of the country. It is well-known to everyone that according to legislation, a Public Defender may be nominated [...]