Mtatsminda TV tower

    Tbilisi TV tower gets to keep its light show

    By | January 21st, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , |

    TBILISI, DFWatch–The TV tower in Tbilisi went briefly dark Monday because of disagreement over the city’s budget, but the flashing light show lit up again late at night. The lights that have become the most visible landmark in the Georgian capital, were turned […]

      Tbilisi’s TV tower goes dark due to budget gridlock

      By | January 20th, 2014|Categories: News, Politics|Tags: , , , |

      The Tbilisi TV tower has gone dark at night because of a budget gridlock in the city. (Interpressnews.) TBILISI, DFWatch–Tbilisi’s most visible landmark, the Mtatsminda TV tower, has gone dark at night, because of the the city’s failure to pass a budget for this year. City Hall decided to switch off the light show on the tower because of the City Council’s […]