Ekaterine Tikaradze

    Covid-19 surge reaching crisis point in Georgia as hospitals struggle

    By | August 11th, 2021|Categories: News|Tags: , , , , |

    Ekaterine Tikaradze at the briefing on Wednesday. (Government of Georgia.) TBILISI, DFWatch--The recent surge in Covid-19 is causing a steadily deteriorating situation in Georgia and approaching crisis level. Hospitals are reporting  an acute shortage of free beds and medical staff, while the government is considering more restrictions, something it did not intend to do before the [...]

      Georgian government says “no threat of epidemic outbreak”

      By | February 28th, 2020|Categories: News|Tags: , |

      Health minister Ekaterine Tikaradze (Facebook). No new cases of coronavirus, except the one confirmed on Wednesday, have reported in Georgia so far, and public officials affirm citizens that situation is under control. “At this stage in Georgia there is no risk of a widespread coronavirus infection and therefore there is no threat of the [...]