consumer rights

    Georgia to regulate quality of traditional yogurt

    By | November 30th, 2014|Categories: Economy|Tags: , |

    A study earlier in 2014 found that many milk products contain vegetable fat. Now the contents of matsoni will be regulated by law. ( TBILISI, DFWatch–A new law will regulate the quality of the Georgian milk product matsoni, a kind of a fermented milk similar to yogurt. The purpose is to protect matsoni as cultural heritage and ensure the best quality of the traditional product. In a new draft […]

      Many milk products in Georgia have misleading labeling

      By | January 21st, 2014|Categories: News|Tags: , , |

      Center for Strategic Research and Development examined fifteen types of milk products, and ten of them turned out to contain vegetable fat. ( TBILISI, DFWatch–Food companies in Georgia are selling modified milk products with misleading labeling, according to Center for Strategic Research and Development. The center examined fifteen types of milk products, and ten of them turned out to be modified. They […]

        Food safety in Georgian — A fairy tale

        By | August 16th, 2012|Categories: Opinion|Tags: |

        What do you do, if you happen to buy a food in Georgia and before eating it you notice that it is spoiled? In such a case, many people simply throw the food away and that’s it. Some people go back to the shop and request to exchange the food, or to return money. […]